Modern Events Calendar – User Dashboard 1.2.3

Updated: January 13, 2022



Modern Events Calendar User Dashboard Addon Using this addon, you can create a specific page for each user. It contains information about purchased tickets, registered events and many more. Users can now log in to purchase tickets.

Modern Events Calendar - User Dashboard Addon
Modern Events Calendar – User Dashboard Addon

Features Modern Events Calendar – User Dashboard Addon :

Exclusive shortcode :

Provides an exclusive shortcode for user dashboard to be used anywhere on your website

Managing user data :

Manage User Dashboard sections through the general settings page of MEC

Editing Organizers :

Users that have been assigned Organizer role can edit the Organizer.

Editing Speakers :

Users that have been assigned Speaker role can edit the Speaker.

Managing events :

Easier event management in User Dashboard

Managing tickets :

View the purchased tickets

User Profile shortcode access :

Easier access to User Profile and managing submitted events from Front-end Event Submission

Google Maps directions :

If you have set a location for your event you can view it on Google Maps and provide directions for it

Instant cancellation :

Cancel the ticket you have purchased for an event

Public option for all tickets :

Adding public login option for users in Booking Settings of MEC to apply to all tickets.

Force Login for tickets :

Requires users to log in to book a particular the events

Quick login to the shortcode :

Users can quickly log-in through the shortcode page of User Dashboard

Exporting or viewing the attendee list :

You can export a list of your participants, when there is an event, in two different formats for the

Edit your profile :

Complete your profile, If you have been assigned Speaker & Organizer roles by the admin, you can complete your profile for those as well.


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v 1.2.3 – 17 November 2021
– Improved: Hide ticket menu in MEC lite
– Fixed: Auto-update message

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

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