UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress v2.22.12

Updated: May 15, 2022



 UpdraftPlus simplifies backups and restoration. It is the world’s highest ranking and most popular scheduled backup plugin, with over three million currently-active installs. Backup your files and database backups into the cloud and restore with a single click! Backup into the cloud directly to Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 (or compatible), UpdraftVault, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, DreamObjects, Openstack Swift, and email. The paid version also backs up to Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2, SFTP, SCP, and WebDAV.

UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress
UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress

Features UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress :

General Setting :

  • Highest-rating backup and restore plugin at wordpress.org (4.8 stars out of 5.0), and ranked in the top 30 (of over 50,000) WordPress plugins for popularity.
  • Designed to run everywhere that WordPress runs
  • Multi-site (i.e. WPMU/WordPress Network) compatible.
  • Proven to backup sites of 100GB; file size only limited by Web host.
  • Backs up limitless non-WordPress files and external databases.
  • Incremental backups that can be set to the hourly schedule of your choice

Scheduling Setting :

  • Supports both manual and automated (scheduled) backups: every 4, 8, 12 hours; daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Can even be customised to a specific time.
  • Backs up files and databases on separate schedules
  • Reports time of next scheduled backup
  • Routinely prunes the number of old backups kept
  • Automatically backs up when plugins or dashboard themes update and before WordPress core updates run

UpdraftVault Storage Setting :

  • Central place to store, manage and disconnect backups
  • 1 gigabyte of free storage included, with the option of purchasing more as and when required
UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress
UpdraftPlus | Premium Backup Plugin For WordPress

Remote Storage Options :

  • More remote storage options than any other WordPress backup plugin
  • Supports cloud backup to Amazon S3; any region. Can test your Amazon S3 settings and diagnose common problems. Can back up into sub-directories. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Encryption supported. Supports Standard and Standard – Infrequent Access Storage classes and Server-Side Encryption (SSE).
  • Supports cloud backup to any Amazon S3 compatible provider, with the same feature set (examples of such providers: DigitalOcean Spaces, Dreamhost Dreamobjects, Cloudian, Connectria, Constant, Eucalyptus, Nifty, Nimbula, Cloudn).
  • Supports cloud backup to Rackspace Cloud Files. Can test you Rackspace Cloud Files settings and diagnose common problems. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Encryption always used. Supports all Rackspace locations. Support for in-dashboard creation of a unique API user with access only to the backup container.
  • Supports cloud backup to Dropbox. Supports “app folder” backup automatically – i.e. UpdraftPlus only gets to see or touch its own files. Almost zero-setup (you need to know nothing except for your Dropbox username and password). Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off).
  • Supports cloud backup to Google Drive. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Almost zero-setup (you just need to be able to log in to your Google account), via secure OAuth protocol (UpdraftPlus is never told your Google credentials).
  • Supports cloud backup to Microsoft OneDrive – both regular/consumer version and OneDrive for Business.
  • Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Almost zero-setup (you just need to be able to log in to your Microsoft account), via secure OAuth protocol (UpdraftPlus is never told your Microsoft credentials).
  • Supports cloud backup to Google Cloud Storage. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Full setup guide with screenshots.
  • Supports cloud backup to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Full setup guide with screenshots.
  • Supports cloud backup to Rackspace Cloud Files. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off).
  • Supports cloud backup to OpenStack Swift object storage. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off).
  • Supports cloud backup to FTP servers. Supports both normal and TLS-encrypted servers. Supports both implicit and explicit encryption. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Has test mode to allow easy debugging of login problems.
  • Supports cloud backup to SFTP servers. Supports chunked, resumable uploads (i.e. interrupted jobs can be resumed where they left off). Has test mode to allow easy debugging of login problems. Supports both SFTP and SCP (no chunking support for SCP, but failed uploads will be retried).
  • Supports cloud backup to WebDAV servers, including encrypted servers. Supports chunked, resumable uploads. Tested against Apache mod_dav and OwnCloud/NextCloud.
  • Supports backup by email. Each dump (e.g. of plugins, or of themes, or of uploads) is emailed separately. Limited only by limits your email provider has on incoming attachments.
  • Supports backup to multiple destinations (e.g. Amazon and Dropbox and FTP) in a single backup.
  • Supports scheduled backups based on predefined time intervals (days of the week and/or days of the month).

Security Options :

  • Database backups can be encrypted for security
  • Encrypted transport to cloud storage

Reporting, Monitoring and Scheduling :

  • All backup operations are thoroughly logged.
  • Display status of backups in progress in WordPress admin panel, along with any errors or warnings.
  • Reports when backup completes, including file checksums for verification of backup integrity.
  • “Debug/expert” gives further insight into backup process: option to view a different set of SSL certificates, to turn SSL certificate verification, and to turn off SSL entirely.
  • All log messages can be sent to syslog (Linux/UNIX) / Event Log (Windows).
  • Users can now also send reports to Slack.

Restoring, Recovering and Migrating :

  • Conveniently backs up each WordPress entity (database, plugins, themes, uploaded content and “other” content) in a separate file, all from WordPress control panel.
  • Further files, WordPress core or any arbitrary directory from the server can be backed up via add-on.
  • Databases can be decrypted within WordPress control panel via drag-and-drop.
  • Backups made elsewhere can be imported via drag-and-drop (unlimited size upload) or FTP.
  • Search and replace migrates site database upon import.
  • Restores backed-up entities from console with one-click access.
  • Imports and restores from backups made by other backup plugins: BackupWordPress, BackWPup, WordPress
  • Backup to Dropbox and Simple Backup, and generic SQL (uncompressed, gzip-compressed, or bzip2-compressed) backups.

WordPress Network and Multisite :

  • Compatible with WordPress Network / Multisite installs.
  • Backup/restore control panel is placed in the network dashboard.
  • Restore individual sites within the network (without having to restore all sites).
  • Import (where possible) single site installs into the network.


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= 1.22.12 – 29/Apr/2022 =

* FEATURE: Added the ability to select which themes and plugins to Restore
* FEATURE: Allow existing local backups to be sent to a remote site when migrating
* TWEAK: Tweak to allow the Amazon S3 setup wizard to run if the internal S3 library is active
* TWEAK: The WordPress sidebar menu overlaps the popover tour box
* TWEAK: Attempt to upload a zip file after it’s been created to save on storage space
* TWEAK: Add MySQL maximum packet size to Advanced Tools -> Site Information
* TWEAK: Only output the expected table rows when starting to process the table
* TWEAK: Fix get_users parameter that has been deprecated on WP 5.9 in UpdraftCentral posts controller.
* TWEAK: Do not call escapeshellarg() for SCP if we know it is unnecessary (prevents problems on hosts lacking the function for trivial use cases)
* TWEAK: Detect change of run-time environment on first resumption and re-set previously detected resumption interval if likely to be helpful
* TWEAK: Improve the FTP Handlebars template by taking PHP code out of it
* TWEAK: Convert HTTP error codes to their meanings
* TWEAK: Some plugins are loading their own incomplete mcrypt_* functions try and detect this and recover
* TWEAK: Ensure the local backup file is cleaned up if an earlier failed remote storage upload later succeeds
* TWEAK: Include plugin version when getting details from UpdraftPlus Vault to allow features that depend upon a sufficiently up-to-date version

1.22.11 – 15/Mar/2022

  • FIX: Internal S3 library did not correctly construct canonical query string with v4 signatures if there were multiple parameters, leading to wrong signatures and failed authorisation
  • FIX: Fix a recent regression that caused DNS hostnames to not be preferred when using Amazon S3
  • TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notice on PHP 8.1 if opening a zero-size zip file
  • TWEAK: Introduce filter updraftplus_dropbox_fetch_curl_options for easier debugging/experimentation

= 1.22.3 – 15/Feb/2022 =

* FIX: Unexpected ‘Backup History’ array structure during the rescanning of the new backup sets that changed the type of the database associative keys from string to array format
* FIX: Failure in excluding and wiping out jobdata during backup and restore causing the same backup to repeat under certain circumstances
* REFACTOR: Upgrade AWS SDK from version 2.8 to 3
* TWEAK: Improve how log file and backup file attachments are handled through mail-related functions, so they don’t get omitted by some 3rd party SMTP plugins
* TWEAK: Overcome PHP 8 ‘Only the first byte will be assigned to the string offset’ warning when rescanning local folder and/or remote storage for new backup sets
* TWEAK: On Windows, when mysqldump.exe binary is in use for backing up database, it failed to exclude updraft_jobdata_* entries due to ‘escapeshellarg’ function that replaces % char to white space
* TWEAK: Switch to official jstree release now that our patch is included
* TWEAK: Update updater library in paid version to current release
* TWEAK: In the multisite add-on, store the last log message separately to perform better with binary logging together with large backups
* TWEAK: Add Google branding to the Google Drive authentication link
* TWEAK: Change complex formatting string to avoid translator errors resulting in PHP errors

= 1.22.1 – 14/Jan/2022 =

* TWEAK: New versionning scheme; the second part of the version number was previously not used very meaningfully/systematically; together with the third, it now indicates the year of release and number within that year
* TWEAK: Adjust run-time performance check, removing one test that was no longer appropriate
* TWEAK: In the multisite add-on, store the last log message separately to perform better with binary logging together with large backups
* TWEAK: Adjust next resumption display message if there isn’t one
* TWEAK: Cache the UpdraftVault quota to reduce the amount of network calls made during long backups

1.16.69 – 27/Dec/2021

  • FIX: A bug that prevented a final resumption from attempting to split the zip to make progress
  • FIX: Handle LOCK TABLES statements produced by some mysqldump versions properly in case of atomic restores
  • SECURITY: Fix a non-persistent XSS error allowing an attacker to once run JavaScript in your web browser if you clicked on a link crafted personally for you whilst logged into your site (very similar to that fixed in 1.16.65/6). A packaging error meant that this was not properly fixed in the 1.16.67-68 releases.
  • TWEAK: Search and replace ABSPATH if it’s changed, non-trivial and stored in the DB by a bad plugin/theme
  • TWEAK: Make whole label for “UpdraftPlus temporary clone user login settings” clickable
  • TWEAK: Change wording for an advanced tool for clarity
  • TWEAK: Include UD in user agent for S3 calls when using the AWS SDKs
  • TWEAK: Make sure WP_Error is passed up during specific plugin update failure case

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

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