Flatsome – Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme v3.15.5

Updated: May 9, 2022

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $17.70.


Flatsome is the most used and trusted theme for any kind of WooCommerce Project. We always support latest WooCommerce versions so Flatsome is the safest theme for your project.

Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop or company website, or for all your client websites if you are an agency or freelancer. It got all the tools needs to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It got unlimited options and a revolutionary responsive page builder, so you can create anything without coding.

Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Features Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme :

  • WordPress 4.9, 5.0, 5.5+ Ready
  • WooCommerce 3.9, 4.4+ Ready
  • WPML Ready (.po files included)
  • SEO Optimised
  • Drag and Drop Page Builder
  • Online Documentation – https://docs.uxthemes.com/
  • Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE8+
  • Catalog Mode Option (Hide cart and checkout functionality)
  • Easy Updates using Envato WordPress Toolkit
  • Child Theme included
  • Demo content included!
  • PSD files and assets included
  • WordPress 4.8++ Ready
  • WooCommerce 3.2++ Ready
  • Child Theme Included
  • Full RTL Support
  • Easy Setup Wizard
  • SEO Optimised
  • Rich Snippets Optimized
  • Demo Content Included
  • Responsive banner and slider system
  • Translation ready (.po files included)
  • Translations included.
  • Live Page Builder
  • Drag & Drop Header Builder
  • Contact Form 7 integration
  • MailChimp Integration (With CF7)
  • 700+ Google Fonts included
  • Amazing Parallax Effects
  • Super Smooth CSS animations
  • Mobile optimized sliders
  • Minified CSS and JS
  • Unlimited Footer options
  • + A lot more

Header Elements :


Add beautiful multi column dropdowns. You can change border color.

Nav Icon

Add a Off-canvas menu to header. The “Menu” label can be disabled.

Search Icon

Add a search icon to header. You can also add this search icon to the mobile header.

Mini Cart

Add a nice mini cart to the header. Choose between many different icons or upload your own. You can also have a ‘Off canvas’ cart.

My Account

Add a dropdown with quick access to My Account pages.

Search form

A nice search form with integrated ajax live search. Option to search by category.

Contact Element

Add a nice contact element to the header. Show phone number, email, opening times or directions.


Add a wishlist button to the header. You can also have this on mobile headers

Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Social Icons

Add nice follow icons to the header. Choose between the most popular social services and choose between different styles.


Add a nice newsletter signup box to the header. You can integrate this to most forms or signup form plugins.

Shortcodes & HTML

Add custom content or shortcodes to the header. This gives you unlimited options for header content.


Add Custom buttons to the header. These can link to any page. Choose between many different styles and colors.

Unliimited Navigations styles

Navigation Styles

Choose between many different navigation styles.

Dropdown Styles

Choose between many different dropdown styles.

Off-canvas Navigation

Use a modern off Canvas navigation.

Revolutionary Responsive Front-End Page Builder :

The new UX Builder is the ultimate tool for creating awesome responsive websites without having any experience with coding. Create sliders, banners, and responsive pages super fast, with our brand new Page Builder for WordPress.

Front-End Page Builder

Organise your content with the drag & drop functionality, create and alter the layout with the layout elements, and edit text using the text editor. All the content will be made and edited in the UX Builder

Responsive Options

Create custom options for the different devices; desktop, mobile and tablet. The UX Builder is optimized for creating responsive layouts and content.

Fast as Lightning

The UX Builder is built on Angular, and is incredible fast and fluid. The ultimate goal is to give our customers the fastest and best Page Builder on the market, with groundbreaking possibilities and options.

Slider and Banner system

Create beautiful sliders and banners with the Page Builder. Drag and Drop the elements around, with no need for other slider plugins.



Create amazing responsive layouts and grids, and drag and drop the boxes around as you wish, to easily edit the order.

Banner Grids

Large Element Libary

Anything is possible with the new extensive element library. The new UX Builder has a toolbox of 30 content elements, 9 shop elements, and 5 layout elements, along with hundreds of presets and options for every element. This gives you endless opportunities for your site and the ability to create whatever you have in mind for your website.


Clean Code

The builder is based on shortcodes, and makes it very easy to quickly edit content in the normal WordPress editor. The UX Builder leaves clean and readable shortcodes in the content editor.

Banner Focus Point

Set a focus point on the banner and the image will adjust to mobile a tablet screens. Perfect for responsive websites.

Banner Editor

Create amazing banners with Drag and Drop. You can also add banners to the Slider element.

Built-in Slider

Create beautiful sliders without leaving the Page Builder. Drag and drop slides to edit the order.

Responsive Options

Set custom options for mobile and tablets to make your content look beautiful on all screen sizes.

Live Text Editor

Edit text on banners and in content, and see the changes immediately.

Page Presets

Create a new page by using one of our included page layouts presets.

Live Options

Preview changes instantly when changing options.

Be Organized

Organize elements easily in the sidebar. Drag and drop inside the sidebar to quickly move elements.

Developer Friendly

Easely create new elements for the Builder. (Docs coming soon)

Notes: * Product images or images used in sliders and banner examples are not included in this theme

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce


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— 3.15.5 —
FIXED: Integration options showed up in Updates tab options.
FIXED: Backup Options increasing wp_options table size when used more than once.
FIXED: PHP notice if no image is set on UX Image attribute.
FIXED: Plugin path issue in Setup Wizard on Amazon Lightsail (bitnami).
FIXED: Pages on the search result page if WooCommerce is not active.
FIXED: WooCommerce Attribute Filter Widget overflow issue.

ENHANCEMENT: PNG support for lightbox images.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved toggle button accessibility.

— 3.15.4 (15.03.22) —
NEW: Release channel option (stable/beta).

FIXED: Updated unannounced change of form login text string.
FIXED: PHP notice if no color is set on UX Color attribute.
FIXED: Swatches label center and right alignment on single product.
FIXED: Related product title indent with an increased site container width.
FIXED: Clear cart after payment on simple and focused templates in some cases.
FIXED: Missing return value in swatch preview column content filter.
FIXED: Product box swatch selected variation image in off-canvas.
FIXED: Lightbox tall images intersecting with the viewport.
FIXED: Builder: WCML custom product featured image reset.
FIXED: Typo in Flatsome registration admin notice string.
FIXED: Scroll to in combination with hidden sliders.
FIXED: Equalize product box in off-canvas.

ENHANCEMENT: Vertical Menu dropdown now responds to Container width & Full width menu item design.

Note: Beta pre releases will from now on now be presented in the WP update panel if enabled. Betas are the
versions of choice for testers in preparation for a theme release. They provide a short-term-stable point
to report bugs against. Grab these to make sure the upcoming release works well on your infrastructure.

— 3.15.3 —
NEW: WooCommerce 6.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Auto height for custom-sized vertical menu dropdowns.

FIXED: Open correct image in galleries.
FIXED: Open correct video with multiple video buttons.
FIXED: Toggle accordions when clicking on arrow.
FIXED: Site logo src=(unknown) if logo was not used pre 3.15.
FIXED: Product gallery thumbnail slider arrows for 5 thumbs.
FIXED: Swatches cache when an attribute is updated.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.

— 3.15.2 —
FIXED: Script file naming compatibility on some servers.
FIXED: Yoast integration options did not show (due to Yoast codebase changes).
FIXED: Slider with parallax enabled.
FIXED: Sidebar sub menu toggle.
FIXED: Page loader logo size.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved WP Rocket compatibility.

Note: Please remember to clear all cache and minification after updating.

— 3.15.1 —
FIXED: Banner responsive values.
FIXED: Use the correct logo URL.
FIXED: Lightbox auto open.
FIXED: Lightbox gallery (combined page gallery).
FIXED: Logo size on simple and focused checkout style.

ENHANCEMENT: Prevent hotspot opening quick view in builder.

— 3.14.3 —
NEW: HTML element in UX Builder.

FIXED: Builder: Render paragraphs correctly for classic editor content.
FIXED: Thank you page content option didn’t render shortcodes.
FIXED: Scroll to on mobile navigated incorrectly in some cases.
FIXED: Infinite scroll on masonry catalog layout.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch compatibility for multiple woocommerce extension plugins.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Check post existence before going into edit mode.
ENHANCEMENT: Shop sticky sidebar height when infinite scroll items are appended.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

REVERT: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore. (Use the new HTML element for raw content instead)

— 3.12.2 — (14.08.20)
FIXED: Countdown background color.
FIXED: Older admin assets could remain in browser cache (Advanced Options).
FIXED: HTML not rendering in product title (reverted WC 4.4 template change).

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

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