Dokan Pro (Business)- Multi Vendor Plugins v3.5.6 + 36 Modules

Updated: May 15, 2022

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $99.90.


Dokan Pro + 36 Modules + theme is the best front end multi-vendor marketplace on WordPress Plugins , powered by WooCommerce. It helps you to build your own marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Magento like marketplaces in under 30 minutes. Dokan is the fastest way to start eCommerce and earn through commissions with products ranging from digital, physical to variable products.

We love the philosophy of a complete frontend experience. So, vendors have their own personalized dashboard on the store frontend where they can find all that they need. Backend access is restricted to the admin only. This sets Dokan apart from others. All of our add-ons are frontend compatible. Dokan (Pro) comes with a free responsive eCommerce theme that has widgets specially made for Dokan.

Features Dokan Pro - Business
Features Dokan Pro – Business
Features of Dokan Pro - Business
Features of Dokan Pro – Business

Features Dokan Pro (Business)- Multi Vendor Plugins :

  • Marketplace with Independent Stores : Similar to Shopify, eBay or Amazon – Dokan gives any vendor a customized storefront and chance to give support as extra..
  • Use Any WooCommerce Compatible Theme : You can start using Dokan with any theme that supports WooCommerce. You will also get a free theme to get started so you don’t face trouble when building your multi-vendor marketplace
  • Frontend Dashboard for Vendors and Customers : Customers and Vendors get access to a rich frontend dashboard that allows easy management of product inventory including sales, orders, discounts, coupons, and more.
  • Earn from Each Sale as an Admin : Charge commission globally, on a vendor or get a special commission on a single product. A fair commission model allows both parties to share the success of your marketplace!
  • Store Insights with Reports and Statement : overview of their store’s performance.
  • Coupon Management Right from the Dashboard : No need for you to spend time worrying about coupons. Let your handle their discounts on their own.
  • Increase Brand Value with Product Reviews : Good reviews can help other customers to gain trust and increase your marketplace brand value.
  • Easy Withdraw System for Your Vendors : Withdrawal is really easy with Dokan. Vendors can requests to you right from the frontend dashboard for payment. You can set the withdrawal limit, payment channel, minimum withdraw limit and more.
  • Vendors Configure Their  Own Store Settings : Vendors can include additional information about their store and brand
    from the frontend dashboard. You don’t need to do anything.
  • Shipping Management for Each Store : Worried about shipping hassles? Let your vendors handle their own shipping with Zone wise shipping feature for each store. And if you enable the ShipStation they can also handle their shipping with the popular shipping solution.
  • Announce Important News Right in the Dashboard : You can broadcast important announcements for all the vendors or specifically a number of vendors. The announcements will be displayed on the vendor’s dashboard.
  • Control Who Sells and Who Doesn’t : You can activate/deactivate a vendor selling rights. Which really makes you the the Admin of a marketplace.
Compare Dokan Pro - Business with other plugins
Compare Dokan Pro – Business with other plugins

Introduction 26 Modules Dokan Pro – Business :

1) Vendor Subscription Product :

Let your vendors sell subscription-based products and services easily from the frontend of your website.

Vendor Subscription Product Dokan Add-ons
Vendor Subscription Product Dokan Add-ons

Features Vendor Subscription Product Dokan Add-ons :

  • Flexible Subscription Plans for Everyone : Simple weekly, monthly, yearly methods, or customizable billing schedules – everything supported in WooCommerce Subscription, are possible for multivendors now. Let different vendors sell different subscriptions.
  • Subscription Management Made Easy : A full-featured subscription management menu appears on the vendor dashboard so that they can easily manage things for their products. And just like always, without needing access to the backend.
  • Supports All Product Types : No matter which kind of products your store owners sell; whether they are downloadable, virtual or physical, Dokan Product Subscription has got you covered.
  • Subscriber Tracking, Switching Options, and More : Along with determining sign-up fees, planning upgrade-downgrade charges, vendors also get to manage all subscribers, their billing cycle, with subscribed user list.

2) Dokan Product Addon :

Customers can add additional items to a product and be billed separately for those items. This module makes your marketplace more sophisticated and exclusive.

Dokan Product Addon
Dokan Product Addon

Features Vendor Subscription Product Dokan Add-ons :

  • Admin and Vendors Can Create Addon : You as well your vendors can create addons for their products. As an Admin you can view all the addons created
  • Create Individual Addon For a Particular Product : You can create an individual addon for a particular product. That addon can be used with the global addon or individually.
  • Customize Addon With The Cool Addon Field : There are options available to customize the addons using the Addons Field. Giving you the flexibility to customize your addons with the utmost ease.
  • Three Types Of Pricing methods : You can charge Flat Fee, Percentage Based, and Quantity Based fees for the addon.

3) Ajax Live Search Addon :

Everyone loves instant search feature for a product they are looking for. This module turns your regular search bar into an instant searching tool to quickly search for products and save time.

Ajax Live Search Addon
Ajax Live Search Addon

Features Ajax Live Search Addon :

  • Real-Time Search Results Right From The Search Bar : Using this module your customers will be able to search for a specific product without even hitting the find button.
  • Use features that are available with search giants like Google : Ever searched for a product on Google and saw results and also relevant results? Enable that same option on your multivendor marketplace.
  • Your Customers Don’t Have To Know The Exact Keyword : No need to worry if your customers know the exact name of the product they are looking for. They can just search for the relevant keyword and get their desired result if you implement this module.
  • Simple implementation by using a prebuilt widget : You can easily add this feature to your storefront by adding a pre-built widget. Just drag and drop it. Customize it the way you like and let your customers search instantly.

4) Color Scheme Customizer :

Are you using third-party themes with Dokan? Need to change the color of the Vendor Dashboard? Fret no more! With our Color Scheme Customizer module, you can now customize the color of the vendor dashboard attributes and make them even more appealing!

Color Scheme Customizer dokan add-ons
Color Scheme Customizer dokan add-ons

Features Color Scheme Customizer :

  • Change The Look And Feel Of Your Dashboard Buttons : Enable this module to see the options to change the color of the button’s text, background, border, hover text, right from your Dokan dashboard.
  • Give Your Users A Colorful Dashboard Navigation Experience : Change the colors of your dashboard’s navigation buttons and tabs including their text, active state, background color and more.
  • Choose From A Wide Range of Colors : Can’t find the color of your choice? No problem! With the built-in color picker, you can choose from all possible colors and customize.
  • Immediate Results After Changing The Colors : There’s no need to go through several steps anymore. Make your changes to the color scheme and hit save to see instant results. Its that simple and quick!

5) Export Import dokan add-ons :

Dokan Export/Import is a module for Dokan plugin which allows you to export or import your products along with its details. It supports both .xml and .csv format files and uses standard WordPress export and import API. So you can use your product data in any WordPress and WooCommerce compatible site.

This module will allow your vendors to export and import/create their products in bulk from any WooCommerce compatible site anytime on their own. This will enrich your business with the possibility for vendors to switch vendors platforms or sites easily and with lesser pain.

Moreover, your vendors can use this feature to quickly take a backup of their products and data. Or they might need to copy or transfer the same data to a similar marketplace.

The module is simple, probably simpler than the WordPress Export interface.

Export Import dokan add-ons
Export Import dokan add-ons

Features Export Import :

  • Export/ Import all the products of their store with all the details intact
  • Map columns individually for all the available attributes when uploading
  • Start their store exactly the way they configured it on a new Dokan powered store
  • Keep a backup of all their products at all time
  • Use a much simpler interface compared to WordPress export interface
  • Do these things all from the frontend

6) Follow Store dokan add-ons :

Following your favourite vendor store is now easier than ever with Dokan Follow Store module. It helps keep the customer updated about vendor store with the daily digest.

ollow Store dokan add-ons
ollow Store dokan add-ons

Now this is the latest addition in the list of Dokan modules which allows the customer to follow the vendors stores they want. The customers gets updates from those followed stores via daily digest in their email.

The option of being able to follow vendor stores might come in handy for those vendors who want to let their followers know about the changes or updates in their store on regular basis. From customers point of view this can be a important feature for those who doesn’t want to visit online stores regularly yet wants to get daily updates regarding their favorite vendor store.

Features Follow Store dokan add-ons :

  • Get daily news updates about your store via email
  • Follow their favorite vendor stores from the frontend
  • Know about the latest updates of the product that the vendor has uploaded
  • Learn about the latest offers that vendors have planned for you

7) Geolocation dokan add-ons :

Want to let your customers search for a product they are looking for by location? Well, you are in luck! With the Geolocation module enabled, your customers can achieve that with ease.

Geolocation dokan add-ons
Geolocation dokan add-ons

Features Geolocation dokan add-ons :

  • Let Customers Search for a product in a specific area : Enabling this module will allow customers to search for a specific product from a specified location from the single product page.
  • Ability To Choose The Radius Of The Location : Give more freedom to your Vendor’s customers by letting them set the radius they want to search for products in.
  • Different Metrics  For All Parts Of The World : To make Dokan truly global, the Geolocation module supports both the US customary and SI metric systems.
  • Customization Features Available For The Admin : The customization features enable the Vendors to choose their location on the map, set the min-max area for search, hide/show filtering options and more.

8) Dokan Live Chat :

Earn greater customer satisfaction & increase sales by resolving customers’ issues faster. Use the Dokan Live Chat module to allow vendors to give quick real-time support to your users & customers.

Dokan Live Chat
Dokan Live Chat

Features Dokan Live Chat :

  • Faster Discovery & Solution for Customers’ Pain Points : eCommerce businesses are difficult to run without a robust & smooth customer support service. Dokan Live Chat ensures real-time customer service by providing Live Chat option to every vendor of your marketplace
  • Increase Authenticity, Ease, & Transparency of Marketplace : The live chat option makes your marketplace more reliable among the users. Both buyers and sellers feel a sense of credibility, trust, and authenticity which leads to lifelong relationships.
  • Reach More Users Directly and Privately : Have an instant medium to connect with customers. With Dokan Live Chat, make real-time conversation between vendor & customer dynamic, interactive & easy to follow through.
  • Use The Most Convenient Facebook Messenger : Dokan Live Chat works seamlessly with the most used platform – Facebook Messenger. So, vendors can just connect their FB pages, and continue real-time messaging from anywhere.
  • You Can Also Use Talk.Js : If you have a Talk.JS Premium Account, you can also use this popular service as the Live Chat provider in Dokan. When Vendors activate the ‘Enable Live Chat’ checkbox, the chat option will appear on their store page and product page.

9) Wirecard dokan addons :

Used by more than 150+ businesses worldwide Moip is one of the most popular payment gateway systems out there. With this module, you will be able to take advantage of the efficiency that Moip provides for all your customers, vendors, and for yourself.

Wirecard dokan addons
Wirecard dokan addons

Features Wirecard dokan add-ons :

  • One of the simplest configuration options for a payment network : Enable the Dokan Moip Payment module, set your Moip account credentials and start receiving payments.
  • Set the title and description for Moip payment checkout option : Enable your Vendors to customize the title and description for the Moip payment checkout option that their customers will see.
  • No need to worry about who will pay the payment fee : As the admin, you will get a built-in option to choose who pays the payment fees; you or your Vendors.
  • Everything available from the frontend for the vendors : From the vendor dashboard, the vendors will easily be able to connect their own Moip account and start taking their payments.

10) Product Enquiry dokan :

Allow your visitors and customers to contact vendors about the product from a product page with this module. This will let customers/visitors send an email inquiry to the vendor asking questions.

Product Enquiry dokan
Product Enquiry dokan

Features Product Enquiry :

  • Show A Separate Contact Form Right Inside The Product Page : Allow Vendors to place a contact form separately in their product page so that customers can ask their questions directly from the frontend.
  • Easier Query Feature For Old Customers : If any of your old customers have a query for any of the vendors, the system automatically detects their name and email, saving valuable time.
  • Don’t Be In The Dark About Who Asked The Question : Sometimes a new customer might forget to provide their contact details. This problem is easily tackled with the product enquiry module.
  • Everything Available From The Frontend By Enabling A Toggle Button : Once they go to the product page, your customer will see a separate tab for their queries. They won’t have to go to the backend of your site.

11) Return and Warranty Request dokan :

This module enables the admin to allow vendors to offer customized return and warranty facility of their sold products to their buyers.

Return and Warranty Request dokan
Return and Warranty Request dokan

Do you want to let any vendors provide a specific set of warranty facility and policy for their products to the customers? With the Return and Warranty Request module as an admin you will able to preselect a list of condition that will let the customers avail warranty from a vendor. But don’t worry! You won’t need to do anything after that.

Once you have selected the conditions for warranty policies the rest is up to your vendors. They will have freedom to choose from your set of warranty conditions, like whether they want to give coupons as warranty or provide warranty as add-on to their customers.

Features Return and Warranty Request :

  • Select which order status will be applicable for refund and warranty policy.
  • Enable refund request separately.
  • Allow coupons to be given as store credit.
  • Preset a list of return request reasons.
  • Set a detailed policy about warranty and refund request for the vendors.
  • With this module, you will be able to :
  1. Select which order status will be applicable for refund and warranty policy.
  2. Enable refund request separately.
  3. Allow coupons to be given as store credit.
  4. Preset a list of return request reasons.
  5. Set a detailed policy about warranty and refund request for the vendors.
  • With this module, your vendors will be able to :
  1. Set the label for Return and Warranty.
  2. Select from the list for what type of warranty they want to provide.
  3. Choose the duration length for refund and warranty.
  4. Select from the available list of refund and warranty reasons for the customers.
  5. Write a detailed policy about warranty and refund request for the customers.
  • With this module, your customers will be able to :
  1. See the refund and warranty information right from the product page.
  2. Choose from the different type of warranty facility that the vendor provides.
  3. Extend the duration length for refund and warranty by buying add-on warranty.
  4. Request for the type of refund, warranty that the vendor has allowed for the bought product.

12) Seller Verification dokan :

Check the authenticity of vendors via their social profiles, phone, photo and more. Keep your marketplace authentic with genuine sellers and avoid fraudulent activities.

Seller Verification dokan
Seller Verification dokan

Features Seller Verification :

  • Customers Feel More Comfortable Buying From Trusted Vendors : Your customers feel at ease when shopping from your marketplace, as you have made sure that the person they are buying from is authentic.
  • Build A Simple Verification Process For Marketplace Sellers : Vendors will find simple options to verify their authenticity from the frontend dashboard. They can submit the necessary information to the admin with the click of a button.
  • Give Multiple Options To Your Vendors For Verification : As an admin, you have the option to let your Vendors verify their authenticity using their social-profiles (Facebook, Twitter, etc). They can even use their Photo IDs.
  • Verify After authenticating the official documents : As an admin, you can see all the submitted documents from your backend dashboard. After verification, simply accept them to finish the process.

13 ) ShipStation Dokan :

Enables users to import, manage and ship the orders hassle-free. A leading shipping application for marketplace sellers.

ShipStation Dokan
ShipStation Dokan

Provides the customers on your marketplace with the facility of automating their shipping process with popular ShipStation. Activating this module in Dokan will enable the vendors to manage the shipping orders right from their dashboard. As shipping can be undeniably complicated, so this new module for Dokan will make it unbelievably easy for its users. More importantly it eliminates any complication that may arise while the shipping process is in effect.

It connects with your Dokan marketplace, shopping carts and carriers easily with no hassle of installation required of any sort. So now with inclusion of this shipping solution module, the vendors of Dokan can ship more in less time. This fast shipping software works with all the essential Dokan marketplace requirements. So you can completely automate your marketplace shipping with the fastest shipping option for Dokan.

Moreover, now all Dokan vendors gets to sell and ship their products by adding a customs template, choosing the best carrier, handling the customs documents, and auto-sign.

Features ShipStation Dokan :

  • Increase order processing efficiency through flexible workflows
  • Manage repetitive task with customizable automation rules
  • Get full control over user-level permissions and restrictions
  • Manage orders and view reports from anywhere via mobiles
  • Sync order status and tracking details with your store and marketplaces

14 ) Single Product Multiple Vendor Dokan :

This module allows a vendor to sell other vendor’s products. Any vendor can add a product from another vendor’s store to their own store with a single click and customize as they like.

Single Product Multiple Vendor Dokan
Single Product Multiple Vendor Dokan

Features Single Product Multiple Vendor Dokan :

  • Let One Vendor Sell Another Vendor’s Product Seamlessly : After you have enabled this module, your vendors will see a Sell This Item button on the product page of a store.
  • More Price Competition Meaning More Customer Aquisition : More customers will be attracted to your marketplace because there will be much fair pricing compared to other marketplaces.
  • One Click Operation For Everything : Your vendors don’t have to go through any complicated process to sell the product they like. A single button is all that’s needed.
  • Advanced Customization Options Even After Product Import : Even after a product has been imported, the vendor can customize the attributes of the recently added item with ease.

15) Store Support Dokan add-ons :

Provide your customers with a ticket-based support system right from the store page.

Store Support Dokan add-ons
Store Support Dokan add-ons

Features Store Support Dokan add-ons :

  • Let Customers Create Support Tickets Right From The Store Page : No need for your customers to search for the Vendor’s contact details. Enabling this module helps them connect with the Vendors through Support Tickets.
  • Customers will be able to create a ticket with their order ID : Your Vendors can easily match their customers with the ticket numbers. They will see the order no, title, customer name, status, issue date, and more on all of the tickets.
  • Vendors Will Be Able To Reply Directly From The Dashboard : The marketplace sellers will be able to keep the conversation going right from their frontend dashboard.
  • Come Back If There Is Any Problem With Support : Vendors will be able to re-open any support ticket that was previously closed to continue the conversation from where it ended.

16) Stripe Connect Dokan add-ons :

Stripe Connect Dokan add-ons
Stripe Connect Dokan add-ons

Features Stripe Connect :

  • Your customers will be able to pay using their Stripe account : Adding Stripe will make your multi vendor site more payment friendly. Using their Stripe account, your customers will be able to pay for the products in your marketplace.
  • Instant refunds possible for your marketplace customers : If anything goes wrong with the product or even something regarding payments, the customers can easily get refunded almost instantly.
  • Lower fees for your marketplace compared to others : Stripe is very cost effective. By implementing it in your payment options, you will automatically be at an advantage over others.
  • Instantly pay your vendors for their sold products : Stripe supports adaptive payment. Hence if your customers pay using their Stripe account, your Vendors will receive their money instantly without waiting for authorization.
  • Customers will be able to use their credit card : By enabling the Stripe payment system, your customers will also be able to pay using their credit cards in your marketplace.

17) Subscriptions Dokan :

Charge your vendor’s fixed commission or for creating products. Create detailed subscription packs with this module.

Subscriptions Dokan
Subscriptions Dokan

Features Subscriptions :

  • Create customizable subscription packs for your vendors : Dokan Subscription lets you customize all of your subscription packs. You can have as many as you want and can create, modify or delete them as required.
  • Control the Number of Products and commission rate : With each subscription pack, you can set a number of products that the vendor can publish to your shop. You can also specify the commission rate while creating the subscription packs.
  • Recurring Payment or Billing Cycle : You can set up the subscription packs so that the payment recurs. You can also set the billing cycle length and the number of repetitions for each cycle.
  • Only Visible to Vendors : Subscription packs are neatly organized so that it doesn’t show to the visitors of your site. Only your Vendors will be able to see the subscription packs and can purchase them.

18) Vendor Review dokan :

With the ability to rate Vendors, your customers can increase the trustworthiness of your Vendor’s stores.

Vendor Review doka
Vendor Review doka

Features Vendor Review :

  • Let customers post reviews for a vendor : If any of your customers buy a product from a store, they will be able to submit a review for that Vendor. This will make your marketplace more transparent in terms of quality.
  • Everyone will be able to see the review in a separate tab : All the reviews for a Vendor will be made publicly available from the store page. Customers can visit the store page and make decisions based on the reviews.
  • Detailed reviewing option for the customer : Enabling this module will let your customers review a vendor with a metric of one to five stars as well as a text-based review to go with it.
  • Everything Available From The Frontend : Each storefront will have their separate reviews. The vendors won’t be able to make any modification to the reviews in any way. Keeping the reviews authentic.

19) Vendor Staff Manager Dokan :

This module gives the sellers of your multivendor marketplace a unique opportunity to appoint an unlimited number of staffs to manage their personal eCommerce stores.

Vendor Staff Manager Dokan
Vendor Staff Manager Dokan

Vendor Staff Manager allows vendors of your Dokan-powered marketplace to create unlimited online staffs with customized and restricted access. Vendors can manage their online staff independently without having to rely on admins using their frontend dashboard.

This means vendors can:

  • Create and manage online eCommerce staffs directly from the front end.
  • Securely add staffs living remotely and forgo the hassles that come with physically managing a team.
  • Securely operate their online business remotely.
  • Have more hands and opportunities to get more things done and faster!
  • Have more control and authority to run their eCommerce business along with a full-fledged online team just like a brick and mortar store business.
  • Let staffs reliably manage orders, products, reports, reviews, withdraws, and even some of the other premium modules.
  • Manage permission to let staffs access certain portions of the vendor features.
  • Easily enable or disable permissions using smart permission manager from frontend.


In Short: Your vendors can add as many staffs as they want, decide who gets to do what and enjoy more liberty in running their eCommerce!

Features :

  • Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Add new staff to store.
  • Delete staff.
  • Manage permission levels of each staff for multiple categories
  • Customized Staff Dashboards according to the permissions given by the vendor.
  • Easily turn on and off a category by enabling/disabling the menu option.
  • Staff can add, edit, and delete products and coupons.
  • Staff can manage orders, reviews, refunds, and withdrawals in multiple ways.
  • Staff can view detailed reports on daily sales, top selling and earning product.
  • Manage staff permissions for bookings.
  • Manage Auctions and auction-able products.
  • Respond to and handle support tickets from clients.

20) Vendor Vacation Dokan :

If your vendors need to go on vacation or temporary close their WooCommerce store and put all their products offline, you should use this module with Dokan.

Vendor Vacation Dokan
Vendor Vacation Dokan

Dokan Vendor Vacation module helps a vendor to temporarily disable his/her store when they want to take a vacation or do not want to do business for some time. When vendors are going on a vacation then they can turn on vacation mode to temporarily take their product offline with a notice on their store page.

Learn more about this module from our documentation.

21) Wholesale Dokan add-ons :

Allows the vendors to sell products in wholesale to the customers. Vendors set the wholesale price and quantity for their customers.

Wholesale Dokan add-ons
Wholesale Dokan add-ons

Did you ever want to create a marketplace where your vendors would be able to sell product at large quantity at a cheaper price? Then you are in luck.

Now with the new Dokan Wholesale module, as an admin of a marketplace you will be able to allow your vendors to sell products in a bulk wholesale quantity. With settings covering almost every aspect of the large order process you will be able to have all the control over the number of products, if your vendors are needed to be approved(as a wholesaler).

With this module, you will be able to:

  • Allow vendors to sell Wholesale products simply by enabling a module.
  • Display Wholesale price to only the selected Wholesale customers.
  • Choose who should be a Wholesale customer upon application.
  • Enable if the wholesale price would be displayed in the price column.

With this module, your vendors will be able to:

  • Select the wholesale option when creating a product.
  • Set the price and minimum quantity for wholesale products.
  • Allow variable products to be sold also as wholesale products.
  • Set price and minimum price for allowed variable products to be sold as a wholesale

With this module, your customers will be able to:

  • Apply right from their My Account page to become a wholesale customer.
  • See wholesale price of a wholesale product right from the product page.
  • Even for variable products they will be able see the wholesale price.
  • Set price and minimum price for allowed variable products to be sold as wholesale.

Learn more about this add-on from our documentation.

22) Elementor Customizer Dokan :

Get the full customization-control over the default appearance of the vendor store page with the Dokan Elementor customizer add-on.

Elementor Customizer Dokan
Elementor Customizer Dokan

No more boredom with the default dokan store design and UI! With the amazing Dokan Elementor add-on, you can spruce up the vendor store page exactly the way you want.

The best part is that you don’t have to learn the customization process from scratch because it works similar to the other Elementor-widgets.

All you have to do is to drag and drop the Dokan store elements to the vendor store page from the elementor page builder and change their look & flavor according to your preference.

You can learn more about this module from our documentation.

With this module, your customers will be able to:

  • change the default appearance of the vendor store page by changing their position and style at your disposal.
  • drag and drop each and every store widgets to wherever you want to put them.
  • hide and show different widgets. For instance, you can hide the social share buttons from your vendors’ store page.
  • set placeholder profile image and banner images for your vendors.
  • play around with a wide variety of 13 store widgets.
  • save as many customized templates as you wish to the elementor library.

23) Dokan WooCommerce Booking :

Dokan WC Booking Integration allows vendors to create bookable products and customers to customize their booking orders. Create Hotel, resort, conference rooms, cars, bikes, etc. with this new add-on.

Dokan WooCommerce Booking
Dokan WooCommerce Booking

Dokan WooCommerce Booking integration allows vendors to create bookable products and customers to customize their booking orders.

Sometimes customers are looking for products like rentable rooms, cars, bikes, tools, books, camping gear, party supplies etc. If you are trying to sell products which can be booked by customers, this is the perfect add-on for you. This add on enables all sorts of booking in Dokan.

You can make any kind of service based marketplace with this WooCommerce Booking Integration for Dokan.

24) Dokan Simple Auctions :

Dokan Simple Auctions module extends popular Dokan plugin with auction features. With this module your vendors can easily make auction-able products along with your regular products.

Dokan Simple Auctions
Dokan Simple Auctions

This module integrate Dokan plugin with WooCommerce simple auctions plugin, which you have to buy from CodeCanyon separately. That means to have auction system in your site, you need to buy two more plugins despite having Dokan –

1. Dokan Simple Auctions Module.

2. WooCommerce Simple Auctions plugin.

We have just integrated this plugin’s features to Dokan seller dashboard; as WooCommerce Simple Auctions is a third party plugin, if you find any bug in the system, please report them to authors official support channel in CodeCanyon.

25) Dokan Report Abuse :

Dokan Report Abuse module allows the customers to report fraudulent products. This feature is available only in the Pro Version of the Dokan.


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v3.5.6 Apr 26, 2022

– **fix:** The Shipping tax is not calculated on Flat Rate shipping if there is any other method under the Flat Rate shipping method
– **fix:** [MangoPay] Fixed live API key not working issue
– **fix:** Customer does not get the verification link in the email if ‘Enable Subscription in registration form’ is enabled in Vendor Subscription
– **update:** Added withdraw method icon filter hook: dokan_withdraw_method_icon
– **update:** Added withdraw method heading filter hook: dokan_vendor_dashboard_payment_settings_heading
– **update:** Added icons in images directory inside corresponding assets directory of withdraw methods if the icon file is missing

v3.5.5 Apr 13, 2022

– **update:** [VendorVerification] Added vendor proof of residence upload feature
– **update:** [StoreReview] Added email notification for new store reviews
– **fix:** Fixed Availability Range of the bookable product can not be deleted when the product is checked to be Accommodation Booking type.
– **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings and a fatal error while using the latest version of Elementor.
– **fix:** [Booking] Fixed Booking not visible in Day view of the calendar if site language is other than English
– **fix:** [Geolocation] The product location of the pending review products are automatically changed to same as store on publish has been fixed.
– **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Vendor are being able to create variations even after restricting using subscription packs has been fixed now.
– **notice:** added survey notice for dokan pro
– **fix:** [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed invalid parameter value error while creating vendor subscription if price contain more that 2 digits after decimal points.

v3.5.4 Mar 18, 2022

– **fix:** [SPMV] Fatal error under Single Product Multiple Vendor module while trying to clone auction product
– **fix:** Fixed some translation issue under Vendor Subscription, Vendor Verification, Paypal Marketplace, Mangopay, RazorPay, and Product Advertising module
– **fix:** [OrderMinMax] Fixed a warning after clicking Order Again on a completed order
– **fix:** [Product Addons] Completion of successful add-on creation alert message has wrong css class
– **fix:** Fixed adding two products from different vendors and one of them is virtual, will receive a warning error on the cart page.
– **fix:** JS console error while loading product category & product add new pages has been fixed
– **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Update seller enable for receive payment status if not already updated due to failed web hook event
– **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Remove validation if no subscription is active under vendor registration form
– **fix:** [StoreSupport] fixed get support popup not working properly in single product page if only Store Support module is activated
– **fix:** [RMA] Send refund button is not working under RMA refund request screen
– **fix:** [Stripe] ‘Your card number is incomplete’ issue on checkout pay order page
– **fix:** [Booking/Auction] Fixed product geolocation is not working for Booking and Auction Products
– **fix:** Fixed follow button not working under ‘My Account’ > ‘Vendors’ section
– **update:** Set delivery time week start date similar to WordPress week start settings
– **update:** [MangoPay] Applied some logic to restrict unnecessary implementations for MangoPay
– **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Restart Payment flow in case of funding source error on PayPal ie: user doesn’t have enough balance
– **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Display user friendly error messages instead of generic message
– **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Set Shipping and Tax fee recipient to seller despite of admin settings, previously it was displaying error on checkout page if shipping fee recipient was set to admin
– **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added purchasing capability for not logged in user

=v3.4.4 Dec 23, 2021=
– **fix:** SEO section is not appearing while the latest Yoast SEO plugin (17.8) is installed and activated #1658
– **fix:** Refund not working if order has sub order #1656

v3.4.3 Dec 15, 2021

– **update:** [Delivery Time] Now users will not be able to choose time slots that are before the order time #1599
– **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Added sweet alert while canceling a subscription from the vendor dashboard. #1612
– **update:** Redesigned What’s New page design for Dokan Pro changelog
– **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Recurring order support added for subscriptions purchased via PayPal Standard Gateway
– **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Recurring order support added for subscriptions purchased via Dokan Stripe Payment Gateway
– **refactor:** float typecast refactored to wc_format_decimal() #1448
– **fix:** [Wholesale] prevent users to buy products at wholesale prices if they are not wholesale customers. #1607
– **fix:** [Geolocation] Location wasn’t updating if geolocation field was added before and then changed the settings to Same as store. #1615
– **fix:** Fix loading issue while loading Dokan pages when permalink sets to plain text, Also added a notice to instruct users to change permalink setting. #1621
– **fix:** [Auction] Start date and End date” fields from the edit auction product page wasn’t saving when users have not previously provided these fields data. #1622
– **fix:** Show all variation products in admin dashboard -> coupon vendor restriction section #1626
– **fix:** [Rank Math SEO] Compatibility issue with latest version of Rank Math SEO plugin #1633
– **fix:** Some string are not translating, now has been fixed #1627
– **fix:** Fixed Some deprecated warning #1642
– **fix:** Category dropdown list in Dokan Live Search was invisible in the Dokani theme. added an id to the element to add proper css in the Dokani theme to make it visible #1616
– **fix:** When variable products are edited using the bulk edit feature of the vendor dashboard, it resets the product status and switches product type to Simple. This issue has been fixed now #1644

v3.0.8 -> Sep 04, 2020

– [fix] Shipping data updater issue fixed
– [fix] Subscription type product is not in the `Product Type` list

v3.0.7 -> Sep 01, 2020

– [fix] Refactor Product SEO
– [fix] Shipping continent issues
– [fix] Global multiple zone conflict issue in shipping
– [fix] Paypal gateway fee not showing when products purchase by multi vendor
– [fix] CSV import not working cause of JS error
– [fix] Product addon conflicting with WC booking
– [fix] Long tags listing issue fixed on product quick edit area
– [fix] Wrong text domain on store support email templates
– [fix] Vendor getting duplicate booking email
– [fix] JS conflicting issue on product addon module
– [fix] Spelling mistake fixed on vendor subscription module
– [fix] Store review author name show display name if exits
– [fix] Yoast SEO plugin some hooks changed
– [fix] Update Vendor Analytics module logo and primary metrics key
– [fix] Store category resets after updating store Payment details
– [fix] Automatic save zone location data during method add, edit and delete
– [fix] Product type not saving with product addon module
– [fix] RMA request delete by vendor and change text-domain
– [fix] Add missing permission callback in REST routes to make WP 5.5 compatible

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

You Must Join to Download the Product File . Click Here to Join.