Modern Events Calendar Pro v6.5.9

Updated: May 31, 2022



Modern Events Calendar Pro is the best tool used for managing events websites. Modern Events Calendar is a comprehensive events management plugin. It is a FREE events management plugin which is extremely user-friendly and well-designed for displaying the events calendar on the websites, ever easier.

Features Modern Events Calendar Pro :

Create events :

  • Add event image
  • Location Maps
  • Single day events
  • Multiple day events
  • Create all day events
  • Add to Google Calendar feature
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Event link
  • Event label
  • Event color
  • Advanced event speaker system
  • Showing Cancellation reason
  • Showing the normal labels on all skins
  • Advanced event locations system
  • Advanced event organizer system
  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book
  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event
  • Insert images for locations and organizers
  • Tag events
  • Categorizing events in unlimited categories
  • Create All Day Event
  • Hide Event Time
  • Hide Event End Time
  • Event local time
  • Add some organizers
  • Add some speakers to Schedule
  • Showing local time for all shortcode
  • Countdown method per event
  • Custom event fields
  • Download-able file feature
  • Event Status for Schema
  • Cancellation reason
  • different timezone per event
  • Next / Previous Events
  • Custom Data For Single Events
  • Content only for bookers
  • Edit Per Occurrences
  • Change Currency Per Event
  • Sticky Sidebar
  • Showing map top of the list and grid shortcodes
  • Advanced Hourly Schedule (for each day)
  • Set Ticket Variations / Options separately for each event
  • You can create events that hold more than 1 day
  • Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading .ics file
  • Add custom booking form for each event
  • Add custom booking form for each event
  • Event Timezone
  • Edit Payment System
  • Event Timezone
  • Event Countdown

Repeating events Modern Events Calendar Pro :

  • Ability to create daily events
  • Ability to create weekly events
  • Ability to create monthly events
  • Ability to create yearly events
  • Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends
  • Ability to repeat events on custom days
  • Ability to set custom intervals for events
  • Ability to set multiple occurrences in one day

Never end events Modern Events Calendar Pro:

  • Ability to create never end events
  • Ability to set a certain date for event finish
  • Ability to finish an event after certain repeats

Other Features :

  • Event countdown
  • Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
  • Event custom link page
  • Shortcode creator interface
  • Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
  • Dynamic event labels
  • Ability to set Featured/Canceled label
  • Ability to set color
  • Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
  • Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
  • Ability to show only featured events
  • Smooth Month navigation
  • More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
  • Ability to export all events from WP backend
  • Support comment form in single event page
  • Translation Ready
  • Shortcode to display users events

Display Features :

  • Font Awesome icons
  • Multiple color skins
  • Ability to select custom colors
  • List view (5 styles)
  • Grid view (7 styles)
  • Agenda view
  • Full calendar view
  • Yearly view
  • Monthly/Calendar view (4 styles)
  • Daily View
  • Tile View
  • Timeline
  • Booking Calendar
  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book
  • Booking Shortcode
  • Weekly view
  • Timetable view
  • Masonry view
  • Map view
  • Cover view (3 styles)
  • Countdown view (3 styles)
  • Available spot view
  • Carousel view (3 styles)
  • Slider view (5 styles)
  • Show events on the Google Maps based on their location
  • Shortcode to display users events
  • Countdown method per event
  • Show / Hide Occurrences per shortcode
  • Change event visibility and hide them in shortcodes
  • RTL support
  • Custom colors for events
  • Category filter option
  • Label filter option
  • Search option
  • Location filter option
  • Month filter option
  • Show Only Expired Events feature
  • Map for the List View
  • Map for the Grid View
  • Show skin of the shortcode
  • Maximum date for certain skins
  • Event Cost search option
  • Set different timezone per event
  • Lock pre-filled fields

Booking Features Modern Events Calendar Pro :

  • Create various kind of tickets
  • Set a limit on total bookings
  • Set a limit on user for bookings
  • Set a limit for certain tickets
  • Create free tickets
  • Create unlimited tickets
  • Add custom fields to booking form
  • Coupons and Discount manager
  • Total User Booking Limits
  • Price Per Date
  • Badge for new book
  • add user roles as recipient in notifications
  • WooCommerce order link in bookings paid by WooCommerce
  • Filter for bookings
  • Ticket limit for coupon
  • Booking fixed fields per booking
  • Create an account with a custom username and password
  • Lock pre-filled fields
  • Set booking limit per different occurrences
  • Auto-Populate profile fields after booking
  • Stripe Refund Option
  • Attendee Counter
  • Downloadable File Options
  • Booking Form Interval
  • Attendees in event
  • Ticket variations per ticket
  • Date Selection For Booking
  • Change event parameters per occurrence
  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book
  • Create certain fees for each event
  • Disable coupons feature
  • Advanced currency options
  • Implemented 5 payment methods
  • Enable/disable payment methods
  • Custom booking form for each event
  • Auto verify free and/or paid bookings
  • Completely disable booking feature if you don’t want to use it.
  • Remove/Add attendees
  • Edit Booking
  • Download-able file feature
  • Booking shortcode
  • Sort payment gateways
  • Import bookings from CSV
  • Booking button on the shortcode
  • Booking Calendar
  • Book multiple dates in one booking
  • Prevent user account
  • Discount per user roles
  • Cancellation Period
  • Cancellation Page Time Interval
  • User Registration Options
  • Custom Username & Password
  • IP restriction
  • Lock Pre-filled Fields
  • Last Few Tickets Flag
  • Custom Transaction ID
  • Who can book? Feature
  • CSV export option for bookings
  • MS Excel export option for bookings
  • Ticket Variations / Options feature
  • Booking for ongoing events
  • Global Tax/Fee creation system
  • Enable/Disable invoice
  • Express Attendees Form
  • Resend booking verification and confirmation email
  • Prevent user account
  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway
  • Stop selling tickets when the first occurrence of an event happened
  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event
  • Stop selling tickets option
  • Set minimum sale for tickets
  • “Back Button” for booking form
  • Currency to WooCommerce order
  • Attendees count in backend booking form
  • add users as recipients in notifications
  • Payment information
  • Booking Button in Modal Window for All Shortcodes
  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway
  • Cancel bookings after cancelation or refund of WC order
  • Skip the first step of booking

Implemented 5 payment methods :

  • Pay locally
  • PayPal Express
  • PayPal Credit Card
  • Stripe
  • Pay by WooCommerce
  • Organizer payment
  • Use WooCommerce as Booking and Payment System
  • Bank Transfer

Send different notifications to booker/admin Modern Events Calendar  :

  • Booking notification for booker/attendee
  • Booking notification for admin
  • Booking verification to attendee
  • Booking confirmation by admin to attendee
  • Booking cancellation by admin to attendee
  • Booking Reminders notification
  • Add a new event from front-end event submission
  • Email to users when event publishing
  • Booking Rejection
  • Event Sold-out

Integration Features :

  • Import events from EventOn
  • Import events from The Events Calendar
  • Import events from Events Schedule WP Plugin
  • Import events from Calendarize It
  • Import events from Event Espresso
  • Import events from Events Manager
  • Mailchimp Subscription
  • Campaign Monitor
  • MailerLite
  • Constant Contact
  • Active Campaign
  • Learn dash
  • Paid Membership Pro
  • AWeber
  • Sendfox
  • BuddyPress
  • BuddyBoss
  • Visual Composer addon
  • KingComposer addon
  • Divi addon
  • Elementor addon
  • WPML ready
  • WordPress Multisite ready
  • Cache plugins compatibility
  • SEO plugins compatibility
  • Auto synchronization with google calendar
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Google Map
  • MailPoet

Developers Features :

  • Completely developer friendly
  • Override archive and single pages in a theme
  • Override skin files in a theme
  • Filter plugin options using WordPress filtering system
  • Fire custom functions using WordPress actions API
  • Customize single events
  • Customize shortcodes
  • Available Hooks

Key Features Modern Events Calendar Pro :

  • WooCommerce Payment Integration
  • Organizer payment
  • Stripe Payment Integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • BuddyPress Integration
  • Archive Page Skin
  • Single and Multiple day events
  • Advanced Google Maps
  • Import events from Google Calendar
  • Export filtered events into CSV, MS Excel, JSON and XML formats
  • Exceptional Days
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Hourly Schedule
  • Option for category archive page to show expired events instead of upcoming events
  • Available Widget in all Sidebar
  • Show total attendees of a booking into the admin notification
  • Matching Shortcode and Widget
  • Matching Shortcode and Visual Composer
  • Elementor, Visual Composer(WP Bakery), Divi Builder, King Composer page builder compatibility
  • Custom CSS
  • Advanced categorizing and filtering options
  • Event note for frontend event submission
  • Frontend Event Submission
  • iCal file download link in email
  • Google Calendar link in email
  • Custom Category Skin feature
  • Weekends, Weekdays and certain weekdays repeating
  • Show ongoing or expired events
  • Display the total amount of purchased tickets in confirmation email
  • Popular Social Networks (share): Tumblr, Pinterest, Flipboard, GetPocket, Reddit, WhatsApp and Telegram
  • Featured Image placeholder
  • Disabling the Google fonts
  • Bulk email send to attendees
  • Book all occurrences
  • Different hours for custom days repeat
  • Multiple occurrences in one day
  • Notifications per event
  • Next/Previous module
  • Related Events module
  • Dark Mode
  • Local time for all shortcodes
  • Auto-Populate profile fields after booking
  • Change event visibility and hide them in shortcodes
  • Multiple Category Search option
  • Resend booking verification and confirmation email
  • Countdown method per event
  • Prevent user account
  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway
  • Send booking reminder to all attendees instead of main attendee
  • SCA compatibility for Stripe Payment Gateways
  • Facebook Importer
  • Import From Meetup
  • Notifications
  • Recurring/Repeating events
  • Next Event Module
  • Shortcode Creator
  • Timezone feature
  • Auto verification ( Email & Booking )
  • Taxes / Fees
  • Multiple color skins
  • Slider View
  • Cover View
  • Countdown View
  • Carousel View
  • Monthly/Calendar View
  • Weekly View
  • Daily View
  • List/Grid View
  • Timetable View
  • Agenda View
  • Google Maps option in list & Grid skins
  • Masonry View
  • QR Code Module
  • Weather Module View
  • Available Spot View
  • User Profile Shortcode for end-user
  • Event Cancellation from User Profile Shortcode
  • Feed/RSS
  • Schema structure
  • Rearrange booking form
  • Report page
  • Auto cronjob
  • Booking Reminder Cron
  • event submission by guest (Not logged-in) users
  • Unlimited event repeating
  • Coupons and Discount manager
  • Import Facebook link as event link
  • Import Facebook link as more info link
  • Showing local time for all shortcode
  • Showing Cancellation reason
  • Showing the normal labels on all skins
  • Event Status for Schema
  • Booking Calendar
  • Book multiple dates in one booking
  • Add Event Wizard
  • Add Shortcode Wizard
  • Settings Wizard
  • Fast Setup
  • Multiple Occurrences of Current Event
  • Auto Emails
  • Booking Report
  • Event locations system
  • Event organizer system
  • Multiple organizers
  • Dynamic event labels
  • Booking form builder
  • Map View
  • RTL support
  • Booking
  • Advanced Tax/Fee system
  • Multiple Tickets system
  • Event Details/Single Event Page
  • Coupons/Discount system
  • PayPal Integration
  • Multisite Ready
  • WPML Ready
  • SEO ready
  • Geo-location feature for map skin
  • shortcode to show the invoice download link in thank you page
  • Developer friendly
  • Choose Weekends
  • Create Booking Form
  • Europ language completed
  • Ajax live search shortcode
  • Thank you page for front-end Event Submission
  • Custom Archive Skin feature
  • Events Archive Status
  • Booking for ongoing events
  • All Taxonomies search field for shortcodes
  • Cancellation notifications
  • Instagram for speakers
  • Gutenberg editor to event edit page
  • Early bird booking
  • Developer Documentations
  • Advanced and custom repeating
  • Yearly, Monthly, Weekly,Daily repeating
  • Midnight Hour
  • show only one occurrence
  • Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn to speakers
  • Change sender name and sender email of WordPress emails
  • Reset Section for settings
  • Auto set cronjobs (Once Daily) synchronization
  • Badge for new event
  • Campaign Monitor
  • MailerLite
  • Constant Contact
  • WordPress dashboard widgets
  • Ticket limit for coupon
  • Show Normal Label
  • Cancellation reason
  • Change event parameters per occurrence
  • ical subscription URL
  • Booking Report
  • Stop selling tickets when the first occurrence of an event happened
  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event
  • Show / Hide Occurrences per shortcode


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v 6.5.9 – 25 May 2022 v
– Fixed: Security issue

v 6.5.6 – 10 May 2022
– Improved: Ability to translate datepicker in the General Calendar skin
– Improved: The iCal code
– Fixed: An issue in Google schema
– Fixed: Some conflicts with other plugins
– Fixed: Some HTML code issues
– Fixed: An issue in the social widget
– Fixed: Some issues with the w3c standard

v 6.5.3 – 17 April 2022
– Improved: the performance and security
– Improved: the WhatsApp share
– Fixed: a very rare issue on the booking module (pro)
– Fixed: some issues on event structured data (schema)
– Fixed: an issue on showing expired events on the event manager of the backend
– Fixed: HTML markup issue on some skins
– Fixed: some PHP notices and warnings
– Fixed: some apostrophe issues

v 6.5.1 – 3 April 2022
– Improved: The security and output escapes
– Fixed: An issue in displaying event tags on the block editor
– Fixed: An issue on the public file module
– Fixed: Some issues regarding event filters
– Fixed: An issue with displaying end dates for multiple-day events
– Fixed: An issue with displaying the cost of events
– Fixed: A multilingual issue

v 6.5.0 – 31 March 2022
– Fixed: An issue on shortcode filter options
– Fixed: The remove button for the inner form builder
– Fixed: An issue on the single event date method option
– Fixed: An issue on the hide event option
– Fixed: Some minor issues

v 6.4.7 – 27 March 2022
– Fixed: An issue on PayPal Standard Gateway (pro)
– Fixed: An issue in “Related Events” module when a link is set for an event
– Fixed: Some issues in notification placeholders
– Fixed: An issue in manual import from Google Calendar
– Fixed: Some PHP issues and warnings
– Fixed: An issue on displaying cancellation reason (pro)
– Removed: PHP curl and used WordPress remote API instead
– Escaped and Sanitized: Many parts of the project to improve security and performance

v 6.2.8 – 19 January 2022
– Added: An options for column count for tablet and mobile in carousel skin
– Added: Display repeat method when “Show only one occurrence of events” option is enabled in the shortcode
– Added: An ability to insert/change coupon codes while editing bookings in the backend (pro)
– Added: A sold-out style for the “calendar date selection” method in the booking module (pro)
– Improved: The MEC checkout to preview free bookings (pro)
– Improved: The MEC settings to be able to insert booking and single date options per language for multi-lingual websites
– Fixed: An issue in AWeber integration (pro)
– Fixed: An issue in daily skin
– Fixed: An issue in ical feed regarding advanced events

v 6.2.7 – 12 January 2022
– Fixed: Add New plugin page

v 6.2.5 – 5 January 2022
– Added: A new option to display event price based on lowest ticket price (pro)
– Added: An invoice feature for MEC cart (pro)
– Added: A new feature to sort the events in descending order
– Added: A new integration option with PaidMembership Pro plugin to let users with certain subscriptions to access booking module of events based on event category (pro)
– Added: An option to enable / disable countdown method in “Frontend Event Submission”
– Improved: The security of MEC
– Improved: The auto booking confirmation process (pro)
– Fixed: Time of custom day events
– Fixed: Stop selling option for selling tickets (pro)
– Fixed: Schema contents
– Fixed: An issue in multilingual websites
– Fixed: An issue in some notification placeholders
– Fixed: Duplicating events
– Fixed: An issue in setting event times in special cases
– Fixed: Some PHP issues
– Fixed: A PHP warning

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

You Must Join to Download the Product File . Click Here to Join.

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