Elementor Pro – Advanced Pages Builder v3.7.0 Pro + v3.6.5 Free

Updated: May 15, 2022

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $14.70.


Elementor Pro Page Builder plugin, is the best page builder plugin with WooCommerce support for site design without coding. Elementor comes with an exclusive toolset, that lets you create truly a responsive website in a whole new and visual way. It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on WordPress.

Instant reaction was a key feature we wanted to achieve. And we did. Instant drag & drop page builder, instant live edit, instant page load. The speed of Elementor is not matched by any other page builder, free or paid. This makes the interface fun and easy to work with, as well as reduces the time it takes to design.

NOTE: Never update free plugin.

Live design. Truly live.

Never again work on the backend and guess what the frontend will look like. With Elementor page builder, you edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like. Elementor features live design & inline editing, so the whole process of writing and designing is done directly on the page, with no need to press update or go to preview mode. It also works perfectly with or without Gutenberg.

Surprises you won’t see anywhere else.

With Elementor’s unique features, you can create websites that have that certain ‘designer touch’. Among our page builder features are: Box Shadows, Background Overlays, Hover Effects, Headline Effects, Animations, Shape Dividers, Gradient Backgrounds and much more.

Pre-Designed Templates & Blocks

Choose from 100+ of beautiful full page WordPress templates and customize them to make them your own. You can also build your page by choosing from 300+ Blocks.

Blocks are pre-designed section templates that can be easily combined into any page. Blocks include a variety of categories: services, testimonials, call to action and more. Save and reuse Elementor templates on different pages, or export them to a different website with a click.

Mobile First. Mobile Editing.

Elementor Page Builder comes with an exclusive toolset, that lets you create truly a responsive website in a whole new and visual way. From different font size, padding and margin per device, to reverse column ordering, this is the most powerful mobile page builder for creating perfect responsive websites.

Undo / Redo & Revision History.

Our page builder includes undo and redo for any action you make. Click on Ctrl / Cmd + Z, or browse through the complete list of actions. Want to go back ever further? Switch to Revisions to view a complete list of all earlier saved versions of the page.

Canvas. A Blank Page Template for Landing Pages.

Design your entire page in the page builder. No header, no footer, just Elementor. This is perfect for landing pages and coming soon pages. Canvas works on any theme, and lets you get rid of the header area so you get a blank template to work on.

Built-in Maintenance Mode & Under Construction.

Need to get your site offline for maintenance? Use Elementor page builder’s built in Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon feature to show your visitors an under construction / coming soon page. Elementor Pro vastly improves your design workflow and lets you design faster and better than ever. With Elementor Pro, everything is done visually and without code.

Making changes to your theme shouldn’t be so hard. Endless coding, dealing with developers, switching themes. The Theme Builder in Elementor Pro turns the entire process of creating WordPress websites 100% visual including your site’s header, footer, single post and archive page design.

Elementor Pro - The Most Advanced Pages Builder Plugin
Elementor Pro – The Most Advanced Pages Builder Plugin

There are many other features to help you build better websites:

  • Visual and intuitive form builder
  • Marketing automation and CRM integrations
  • Custom fonts
  • Role manager
  • Blog post layout widget
  • Image & video sliders
  • WooCommerce
  • Global widgets
  • Custom CSS
  • Animated headlines
  • And much more.

We packed 30 of the most useful widgets into our page builder. True, that’s way more than we had to offer, but we wanted to spare no widget from you, so you can reach the top of your design capabilities.

  • Heading. Add eye-catching headlines.
  • Image. Control the size, opacity and other settings of images.
  • Text Editor. A WYSIWYG text editor, just like the WordPress editor.
  • Video. Add YouTube \ Vimeo to your page.
  • Button. Controlling every aspect of the button design.
  • Image Box. A box that includes image, headline and text.
  • Testimonials. Customer testimonials that show social proof.
  • Icon. Place one or more of 600+ icons available.
  • Icon Box. Works the same as the image box, only with icons.
  • Social Icons. Icons to your social pages like Facebook / Twitter.
  • Image Gallery. Displays your images in an aligned grid.
  • Image Carousel. A rotating carousel or slider of chosen images.
  • Icon List. A bullet list with any chosen icon and text.
  • Counter. Show stats and numbers in an escalating manner.
  • Progress Bar. Include an escalating progress bar.
  • Tabs. Vertical or horizontal tabs that display different pieces of content.
  • Accordion. A collapsable display of content.
  • Toggle. Like Accordion, for FAQ pages.
  • Star Rating. Add some social proof with a styled star rating.
  • Alert. A colored alert box to draw the attention of the visitor.
  • HTML. Insert code into the page.
  • Shortcode. Easily insert shortcodes from any plugin into the page.
  • Menu Anchor. Link any menu to this anchor.
  • Read More. Set the Read More cut-off for the excerpt in archive pages.
  • Sidebar. Add any sidebar into the page.
  • Google Maps. Embed maps into the page.
  • SoundCloud. Add audio bits from SoundCloud.
  • Divider. A line that divides different elements in the page.
  • Spacer. A space that divides the various elements.
  • Columns. Create inner columns within the column.
  • And counting…

Multilingual & RTL supported.

We’ve integrated RTL and multi language support within the framework of our page builder, so you get a translated panel out of the box, as well as RTL typography support, and developer options to add even more languages.

Developer API.

Elementor page builder is free and open source. It’s the perfect page builder plugin to be extended and integrated further. It was created and developed with the developer in mind, and we have already seen some truly remarkable addons already developed.
To help you get started and learn just how to integrate with Elementor, we have created the Official Elementor Developer Resources and the Code Reference.


Be a contributor

If you want to contribute, go to our Elementor GitHub Repository and see where you can help.

You can also add a new language via translate.wordpress.org. We’ve built a short guide explaining how to translate and localize the plugin.

Documentation and Support

Essentials :

Drag & Drop Editor

Elementor has the fastest, most intuitive editor in WordPress. Simply drag, drop and customize.

300+ Designer Made Templates

Choose from over 300 beautifully crafted templates, designed to fit every industry and need.

90+ Widgets

Choose from dozens of widgets to create any content you need: buttons, headlines, forms, etc. You can do anything.

Responsive Editing

Switch to mobile view, and tweak every element to make it look perfect on any device.

Popup Builder

Popup Builder gives you the freedom to create pixel-perfect popups, including advanced targeting options

Theme Builder

A truly visual guide to your site creation, giving you immediate access to each site part, right within the editor.

WooCommerce Builder

Take control over your WooCommerce online store by utilizing the power of Elementor.

WorkFlow :

No Coding

Reach high-end designs, without any coding. The resulting page code is compact and optimized for every device.


Navigate between all page elements or layers, quickly glance custom changes and easily access them via indicators

Full Site Editor

Design your entire site from one place, including your header, footer and content.


A search bar that offers easy navigation between different pages & dashboard settings.


Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts that save you time when performing various actions.

Shortcut Cheatsheet

A window that pops out and shows you the full list of shortcuts.

Redo Undo

Quickly undo any mistakes with a simple CTRL / CMD Z.

Auto Save

No more need to click save. Your work is continuously saved and backed-up automatically.

Revision History

With Revision History, your entire page creation process is saved and can be easily re-traced.

Draft Mode

Published a page and want to continue working on it? No problem, simply save it as a draft.

Copy Paste

Quickly copy any element and paste it to a different place on the page, or to an entirely different page on your site.

Copy Style

Copy the entire styling from a widget, column or section and paste it to another element with a click.

In-line Editing

Use the in-line editing feature to type directly on-screen, and make blog post and content writing an easy and intuitive process.

Global Widget

Save your favorite widget settings and reuse the widget on any page with a simple drag and drop.

Dark Mode

Elementor Dark Mode feature allows you to design in darker environments, saves power and is great for the environment.

Site Settings

Control all global elements of your site from one convenient place – including site identity, lightbox settings, layout and theme styles.

Design :

Global Fonts

Set your choices for all fonts on your site – from titles, paragraphs, and even button text. Access and apply them wherever you need, in just one click.

Global Colors

Define your site’s design system with global colors. Save them once and apply them to any element on your site.

Global Custom CSS

Add custom CSS globally and apply them throughout your entire site.

Background Gradients

With Elementor, it’s easy to add background gradient colors to any WordPress page or post.

Background Videos

Make your background come alive by adding interesting background videos to your sections.

Background Overlay

Add another layer of color, gradient or image above your background.

Enhanced Background Images

Customize responsive background images per device, and set its’ custom position and size.

Background Slideshow

Create a slideshow and use it as the background for any section or column on your site.

Elementor Canvas

Switch to the Elementor Canvas template, and design your entire landing page in Elementor, without having to deal with the header or footer.

Blend Modes

Mix up backgrounds and background overlays to create spectacular blend mode effects.

CSS Filters

Using CSS filters, you can play around with the image settings and add amazing effects.

Shape Divider

Add striking shapes to separate the sections of your page. Make them really stand out with a variety of SVG, Icons, and texts inside the shape divider.

Box Shadow

Set custom made box shadows visually, without having to deal with CSS.

Absolute Position

Use Absolute Positioning to drag any widget to any location on the page, regardless of the grid.

One-Page Websites

Create a one page website that includes click to scroll navigation, as well as all the needed sections of a website.

Motion Effects

Add interactions and animations to your site using Scrolling Effects and Mouse Effects.

Icons Library

Upload and browse thousands of amazing icons

SVG Icons

Create smart, flexible and light icons in any size. The behavior of SVG icons allow them to be super customizable.

Theme Style

Take over your theme design, including heading, button, form field, background, and image styles.

Marketing :

Landing Pages

Creating and managing landing pages has never been this easy, all within your current WordPress website.

Form Widget

Goodbye backend! Create all your forms live, right from the Elementor editor.

Popup Builder

Popup Builder gives you the freedom to create pixel-perfect popups, including advanced targeting options

Testimonial Carousel Widget

Increase your business’ social proof by adding a rotating testimonial carousel of your most supportive customers.

Countdown Widget

Increase the sense of urgency by adding a countdown timer to your offer.

Rating Star Widget

Add some social proof to your website by including a star rating and styling it to your liking.

Multi-Step Form

The Multi-Step feature allows you to split your form into steps, for better user experience and greater conversion rates.

Action Links

Easily connect with your audience via WhatsApp, Waze, Google Calendar & more apps

Typography :

Easy to customize

Play with the font family, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-Height and letter spacing.

Title HTML Tag

Setting the right HTML tag for the title (H1 or otherwise) is important in terms of SEO.

Font Preview

See a preview of fonts in the panel, so it is easier to choose the right one.

Custom Fonts

Add your own custom and Typekit fonts and use them throughout your projects.

Google Fonts

Choose from hundreds of Google fonts available in every widget with text.

Font size: PX, EM, REM

Set whether your typography is scaled using PX, EM or REM, for better responsive design.

TypeKit Integration

Add your own custom and Typekit fonts and use them throughout your projects.

Drop Cap

Make the first letter of your blog post larger, to create a stylish and distinguished look.

Text Shadow

Emphasize your content by adding a text shadow effect to any widget with text.

Text Editor Columns

Divide your Text Editor widget into responsive columns, and set the gap between the columns for better layout.

Layout :

Section Width

Go beyond the oversimplified and generic page designs, by having more control over the various sections.

Section Height

Go beyond the oversimplified and generic page designs, by having more control over the various sections.

Full Width

Easily create full width pages no matter which theme you are using, with the strech section feature.

Column Width

Enter a specific column width, or visually scale the width by dragging the edge of the column.

Column Gap

Change the gaps between columns in order to let your design breathe.

Content Position

Position your column and content, and stretch the column to the full height of the section.

Margin & Padding

Set the padding & margin for sections, columns and widgets.


Put any section, column or widget in the front or back, using the Z-index feature.

Vertical & Horizontal Flexbox Alignment

Align and distribute widgets across each column vertically and horizontally using the power of flexbox.

Inline Elements

Place two widgets side-by-side in the same column with inline width or custom width.

Fixed Position

Set your widget to have a fixed position and place it wherever you like. The element will scroll alongside your user.

Nested Columns

Create advanced layouts by nesting columns inside a given column. This creates a sort of inner section crucial for certain designs.

Mobile Editing Elementor Pro :

100% Responsive

Use Elementor’s extensive mobile editing tools to create a website that is truly 100% responsive.

Mobile Font Size

With this feature, you can change the font size per device.

Responsive Column Width

Choose a different column layout for mobile by changing the column width.

Padding and Margin

This feature is used to make a different padding or margin size per device.

Reverse Columns

This feature reverses the ordering of columns, so when you go to mobile the last column will appear on top.

Hide and Show Elements (Visibillity)

You can hide sections and widgets from showing on any device.

Custom Breakpoints

Change the mobile and tablet breakpoint values, to adapt your websites to specific device sizes.

Responsive Sizing

Choose between PX EM % and VH for sizing inside Elementor.

Theme Builder  Elementor Pro :

Visual Guide

Review and edit each component of your site individually: Headers & Footers, Post, Archive, product pages and more.

Dynamic Content

By using dynamic widgets, building dynamic pages is just as easy as building static ones.

Dynamic Colors

Shorten your design workflow by adding dynamic color values to use in the color field

Display Conditions

Decide exactly where your global templates appear across your site.

Header and Footer

Customize the header and footer areas of your site visually, without any code.

Sticky Header

Add a sticky header to any page, or across your website, with a click of a button. No additional plugins needed.

404 Page

Direct your visitors to custom make 404 pages that can be built entirely inside Elementor.

Archive Page

Design your entire blog in Elementor, or designate different templates to different areas of your blog.

Single Post

Create your blog post template, and attribute it across your site or to any category, page or taxonomy.

Search Results Page

Customize your search results page, and improve the experience your users get while searching your site.

Custom Fields Integration​

Create the content fields in ACF, Toolset & Pods then visually incorporate them in any page.

Elementor Pro - The Most Advanced Pages Builder Plugin
Elementor Pro – The Most Advanced Pages Builder Plugin

Theme Content Elementor Pro :

Nav Menu Widget

Use the most advanced Menu Builder for WordPress and customize it visually, no coding needed.

Login Form Widget

Include customized login forms to any page and help your users log in easily.

Search Widget

Design Fullscreen, Minimal & Endless Other Search Box Variations.

Posts Widget

Display a list of any custom post types in various layouts and ways.

WordPress Comments Widget

Get your visitors to leave their comments on your posts and pages.

Portfolio Widget

Create a portfolio layout that includes works your visitors can filter.

Table of Contents

Make your long form content more readable for site visitors & search engines by adding a TOC

ECommerce Elementor Pro :

Price Table Widget

Create advanced price tables that display your products or services.

Price List Widget

Add catalogs and menus to your website, with a list of products and services that include pricing.

Woo Products Widget

Display your WooCommerce products and filter the exact products you want to display.

Woo Categories​ Widget

Display your product categories and choose exactly which categories are shown.

Woo Add To Cart Widget

Create a product page that includes an actionable Add to cart button.

Woo Elements Widget

Add your cart page, Single product page, checkout page, order tracking form or my account.

Forms Elementor Pro :

Contact Forms

Your visitor will be eager to contact you, after seeing the beauty and simplicity of Elementor’s forms.

Subscription Forms

Add an inline subscription form that your visitor can use to subscribe to your newsletter or service.

Login Form

Let your visitors easily log in to WordPress using the Login Form widget.

Action After Submit

Decide what happens after your visitor submits a form, including the triggered integrations.

Confirmation Email

Send a confirmation email to your visitors after they submit a form.

Email HTML / Plain

Choose whether the email is sent as an HTML email, which includes HTML styling or as a plain text email.

Custom Messages

Create a custom message that is displayed in the form when the user interacts with it.

Advanced Form Fields

Upload files, add a date picker or use Elementor’s other advanced form fields.

Hidden Fields

Include hidden fields in your forms, used mostly to add tracking to form submissions.

Acceptance Field

Include an acceptance field to your forms, making sure your visitors accept your terms.


Use this simple yet effective security measure to make sure your forms aren’t spammed by spambots.

Integrations Elementor Pro :


Easily integrate to MailChimp and get your visitors added to your lists.


Easily integrate to ActiveCampaign and get your visitors added to your lists.


Easily integrate to ConvertKit and get your visitors added to your lists.

Campaign Monitor

Connect Elementor to Campaign Monitor, one of the most popular email marketing platforms, used by over 2 million Marketers around the world.​


Integrate with HubSpot, the popular inbound marketing and sales platform.


Connect Elementor forms to Zapier, and from there, you can connect to over 1,000 other apps that can integrate with Zapier.

Adobe TypeKit

Add your Adobe TypeKit key and get all your favorite fonts in Elementor.


Integrate your Discord server with forms submissions.


Easily integrate to GetResponse and get your visitors added to your lists.


Easily integrate to Drip and get your visitors added to your lists.

ReCaptcha V3

Add a security verification field service to your forms, to make sure your visitors are legit without user friction.

Facebook SDK

Intergrate to the Facebook SDK and manage the Facebook comments that you receive as an admin.


Collect group recipients to your Email marketing campaign via Elementor forms.


Get notified about forms being sent through your Slack channel.

Font Awesome 5

Choose from any of the 1500+ icons across your website design.

Custom Icon Libraries

Incorporate your favorite icon libraries such as Fontello, IcoMoon & Fontastic

Social Media Elementor Pro :

Share Buttons

Get your audience to share your content across the most popular social media platforms.


Share your best lines and quotes on Twitter with a custom designed Blockquote box.

Social Icons Widget

Add social icons to any page, to increase traffic towards your social profiles.

Facebook Embed

Easily embed Facebook posts and videos to increase your social media reach.

Facebook Page

Put your Facebook page right inside your website and get more likes and followers.

Facebook Comments

Quickly add Facebook comments to any page and start communicating with your audience better.

Facebook Button

Get more likes and social engagement by including a Facebook like button at the end of each post.

Library Elementor Pro :

Templates – Pages

Choose from a wide array of beautifully pre-designed templates.


Build your page piece by piece using Blocks, pre-designed and simple section templates.

Save & Reuse

After you finish creating your page you can save it to the library and reuse it with one click.

Import / Export

Export your template and import it, including images, to any other site.

Search & Filter

Locate the template that best fits your needs by searching and filtering the templates.

Template Widget

Add the Template widget and embed any template with a simple drag & drop.

Embed Anywhere

Get the shortcode for any template and embed it anywhere you like.

Media Elementor Pro :

Media Carousel Widget

Showcase your images and videos in a rotating carousel that looks amazing.

Slides Widget

Add simple yet powerful image sliders that are as easy to use and as optimized as it gets.

Lightbox Overlay

Popup a lightbox that opens when visitors click on images, links or buttons

5 Video Embed Options

Embed self-hosted, external video, YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion videos in your pages.


Let your visitors play a tune while they are visiting your site, using the SoundCloud widget.

Font Awesome Icons

Add any one of the long list of Font Awesome icons available in Elementor’s icon widgets.

Google Maps

Embed a Google map on your page and help your visitors pinpoint your business location.

Interactions Elementor Pro :

Scrolling Effects

Set a sticky header, footer or other section, and make sure your message follows your users as they scroll.

Call to Action Widget

The Call to Action widget uses animations and CSS effects to create amazing and interactive boxes.

Animated Headlines Widget

Create attention-grabbing headlines that highlight or rotate the most crucial part of the headline.

Flip Box Widget

Create animated boxes that flip to the other side, once the visitor hovers over them.

Hover Animations

Create magnificent hover animations that add yet another layer of interaction to your website.

Entrance Animations

Add hover and entrance animations and set an interactive way for your widgets to appear.


Create amazing animations and interactions when the user scrolls through the page.

Mouse Effects

Create a sense of depth by making elements move in relation to the mouse movement.

3D Tilt Effect

It allows elements to float and glide slightly as the user moves their cursor over each item.

Advanced Elementor Pro :

Maintenance Mode

Set maintenance mode on WordPress, including coming soon and maintenance mode templates.

Replace URL

Changed your domain? Run the Replace URL feature to make sure everything is updated with the new address.

Custom CSS

Add custom CSS to any section, column, widget or page in Elementor.

Version Control

Want to roll back to a previous version? Easily do so with just one click.

Safe Mode

Activates a safe environment that isolates Elementor from the themes and plugins that might cause an error.

Regenerate CSS

Clear your CSS files and generate new files after making changes to your pages.

HTML Widget

Enter your code directly into Elementor using the HTML widget.


Set the tag that surrounds your widget elements. You can choose from div, p, span and so on.

Image Size

By setting the size of your image files, you can reduce the loading speed of pages.

Role Manager

Restrict access to the editor altogether, or allow users to only make changes to the content.

RTL Ready

Elementor is multilingual and offers full support for both LTR and RTL languages.

Request Parameters

Track user information every step of the sales funnel, as well as to personalize the user experience.​​

Custom Attributes

Add custom attributes such as ‘ARIA’, ‘header’ or ’footer’ for each Section, Column or Widget flawlessly.

Ecosystem Elementor Pro :

Video Tutorials

Watch as our educational instructors show you how to use Elementor.

Translation Ready

Hundreds of translators have contributed to translate Elementor into over 50 languages.

Elementor Add-ons

Explore the most amazing third party add-ons for Elementor.

Developer API

Follow our extensive developer API and create add-ons and themes that extend Elementor.


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#### 3.7.0 – 2022-05-10

* New: Introducing Notes – Work collaboratively directly within Elementor
* New: Stripe Button widget – Collect Stripe payments directly from your site ([#14748](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/14748))
* New: Meet WooCommerce Add to Cart dynamic tag – add products to cart from every widget ([#10607](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/10607), [#11801](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/11801))
* New: Added WooCommerce Product Content dynamic tag ([#16367](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16367))
* Tweak: Added Related, Upsells and Cross-Sells query sources to Products widget ([#8071](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8071))
* Tweak: Added custom icon control to Nav Menu widget ([#18007](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18007), [#14357](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/14357), [#13151](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/13151), [#11361](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/11361))
* Tweak: Added an option to minimize on Desktop device in Table of Contents widget ([#9933](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/9933))
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Share Buttons widget ([#10729](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/10729))
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Media Carousel widget ([#10314](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/10314))
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Form widget ([#6327](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6327), [#6691](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6691), [#11774](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/11774), [#9051](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/9051))
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Posts widget ([#6327](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6327))
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Slides widget ([#5760](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/5760), [#9774](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/9774))
* Tweak: Added align button to bottom option in various Product widgets ([#10263](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/10263))
* Tweak: Added align button to bottom control in Posts and Archive Posts widgets
* Tweak: Added the ability to hide and show the coupon section in WooCommerce Cart widget
* Tweak: Added the ability to hide and show the coupon section in WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Tweak: Added alignment option to various buttons in WooCommerce Cart widget
* Tweak: Added alignment option to various buttons in WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Tweak: Added percentage unit to padding control in Additional Information customize section in WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Tweak: Added quick link to create new theme parts directly from the Finder
* Tweak: Added the option to add a custom template to Dashboard screen in My Account widget
* Tweak: Added spacing control to view cart button in various product widgets
* Tweak: Added the option to add a custom template to empty cart state in Cart widget
* Tweak: Adjusted the layout of the Payment Methods screen in the My Account widget
* Tweak: Added lazy load option to Media Carousel, Reviews and Testimonial Carousel widgets
* Tweak: Added Site Identity quick link to Logo widget
* Tweak: Added Site Identity quick link to Site Title widget
* Tweak: Created an attribute that allows disabling page transition for specific links
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Gallery widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Countdown widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Portfolio widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Price Table widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Login widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Blockquote widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Facebook Comments widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Post Navigation widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Search Form widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Author Box widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Post info widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Archive Posts widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Product Meta widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Archive Products widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Sitemap widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Reviews widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Code Highlight widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to PayPal Button widget
* Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Tweak: Added missing PHP documentation to hooks
* Fix: Scrolling glitches on mobile devices when Sticky Effect is enabled ([#17767](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17767), [#18330](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18330))
* Fix: Only 1st honypot field is validated when using multiple honeypot fields in Forms widget ([#18136](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18136))
* Fix: Checkout button background color is not working as expected in Cart widget ([#18289](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18289))
* Fix: Button labels are not accessible for screen readers in Share buttons widget ([#8615](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8615))
* Fix: Downloads titles controls are not working in responsive in WooCommerce Purchase Summary widget
* Fix: Excerpt length is not working as expected in Posts and Archive Posts widgets
* Fix: Titles & Totals weight is not working in WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Fix: Product image is not appearing on Single Product Page on template load
* Fix: Additional Information title not editable in some scenarios in WooCommerce Checkout widget
* Fix: Cart is not updating automatically on mobile in Cart widget
* Fix: UI Glitch in Masonry control in Portfolio widget
* Fix: Custom breakpoints experiment didn’t work on Single post and page templates
* Fix: Testimonial carousel & Reviews widgets disregards the `alt` attribute
* Fix: Playlist widget deeplink didn’t send user directly to the widget in the page
* Fix: Masonry option causes the images to disappear in the Editor in Posts widget
* Fix: Scrollbar appears after clicking on the dropdown toggle in Nav Menu widget
* Fix: Custom icons disappear on frontend if the pack name contains numbers
* Fix: Custom Font disappears if the name contains only numbers
* Fix: `end-section()` is missing from Progress Tracker and Facebook Embed widgets
* Tweak: Added a filter for conditions cache query in Theme Builder
* Fix: Customizations lost on Ajax refresh in WooCommerce Cart widget
* Fix: Hello theme Header and Footer experiment is not working when WooCommerce plugin is active
* Fix: Color controls are not working as expected in Checkout widget
* Fix: Color controls are not working as expected in My Account widget
* Fix: Empty state widget preview in the editor is disappearing in various widgets
* Fix: Cart is not updating automatically on mobile in WooCommerce Cart widget
* Deprecated: See all deprecations to this version in our [Developers Deprecations Post](https://developers.elementor.com/v3-7-planned-deprecations/)

#### 3.6.5 – 2022-04-12

* Fix: Compatibility issues for several widgets in iOS 14 and macOS 13 devices ([#18090](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18090), [#15910](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/15910))
* Fix: Button Alignment doesn’t work in Custom Add To Cart widget ([#17810](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17810))
* Fix: PHP warning is thrown in some cases in PayPal button widget
* Fix: PHP 8.1 throws errors and notices in some cases
* Fix: PHP notice was thrown when Kit Import process initiated without display conditions
* Fix: Create Account button always opens on the Sign Up screen even if the user has an account in Onboarding process

#### 3.6.4 – 2022-03-15

* Tweak: Kit import dynamic reference support for templates and dynamic tags
* Tweak: Updated tested up to version tag to `3.6.0`
* Fix: Sticky caused scrolling issues after clicking an element that expands the page height ([#17821](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17821), [#17839](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17839), [#18069](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18069))
* Fix: When saving Global widget JS error is being thrown and editor fails to load ([#17954](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17954))
* Fix: Motion effects are missing from Background section under Style tab in Container element ([#18063](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18063))
* Fix: Imported Kit doesn’t appear in the theme builder after successful import in some cases
* Fix: Added future Pro support to fix the Cart icon that shifted aside in Menu cart widget

#### 3.6.2 – 2022-02-14

* Fix: Auto updates mechanism is not working as expected (this version might be also installed automatically)

#### 3.5.2 – 2021-11-28
* Tweak: Adjusted license mechanism to support trial period
* Fix: Updates made to Global Widgets do not reflect accordingly to linked widgets ([#16815](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16815))
* Fix: Hamburger toggle button doesn’t change to “close” when menu is collapsed in Nav Menu widget when Inline Font Awesome experiment is active
* Fix: Global Widget cannot be unlinked

#### 3.0.5 – 2020-09-23
* Fix: If the default page layout is set to “Canvas” Headers and Footers cannot be edited
* Fix: Product Image Dynamic Tag throws an error when no image is set
* Fix: Missing Single document placeholder in Theme Builder
* Fix: Document editing handles inherit the `font-family` from 3rd party source
* Fix: Can’t add linebreaks to Textarea input when used as Multi Step Form
* Fix: Incorrect width in Facebook Page widget
* Fix: Added compatibility to allow the use of ‘get_create_url’ in Theme Builder

Why Choose Shatran?

Answer: We believe in the open-source community and believe that WordPress should be available to all.Unfortunately, premium plugin and theme authors refuse to decouple support from the code, they won’t set regional price differences and they rarely offer discounts to students, low waged or the young.We are providing a third way by redistributing the code without any unneeded extras.

Are your products healthy and original !?

Answer: Yes, absolutely, all the products that are placed in Samandon have been thoroughly tested and are completely healthy and original. Items will be fixed by the designer in subsequent product updates.

How can you offer the products at such low prices?

Answer: All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL).This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.Your membership to our site goes towards maintaining and buying the subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowdfunding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.

Is support Included?

Answer: No. If you require technical support regarding a plugin or theme then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author (a link is provided) or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively, you could ask around some of the helpful WordPress community forums.Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at a discounted price.

Are these products genuine?

Answer: Yes, 100%. We have active subscriptions to all the authors of the products featured on our website.We download from them and then redistribute to you.The downloads are generally not altered in any way as they work fine out the box. But sometimes we have to add some code to make the script work. Will will keep this to a minimum and also announce if we have touched the code so you know exactly how your stand.

Do you provide updates to the products?

Answer: Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site.

How many sites can I use the plugin or theme on?

Answer: As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.Got a friend who’s building a site? Go share them with your friend. Seriously, there are no catches.

Can I request new products?

Answer: Yes, every user who is subscribed to our membership system can make requests via our Ticket System. Though the fulfilment of the product depends solely on the discretion of GPL Downloads and other factors like the license of the product (GPL or non-GPL – we will not entertain any non-GPL product requests), the price of the product, usage of the product on one license, etc. We only purchase items that we think are or will be popular and a benefit to a large number of members. We will NOT purchase niche items.

How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?

Answer: Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like “Disable admin notices.“ This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!

You Must Join to Download the Product File . Click Here to Join.

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